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New bonsai

  • NaughtyTortoise
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New bonsai was created by NaughtyTortoise

Posted 4 years 5 months ago #62808
I have recently got my first bonsai tree and on the label it came with I have been told it's a zelkova, I have watered it as needed, I keep it on a windowsill that gets sunlight all day(south facing I think), however I dont know if it was watered much before I got it or if it needs repotting, but the leaves are falling off, even the green ones, is this a normal part of the cycle or am I missing a step? I have ordered some biogold fertiliser because I did some research and that one was highly recommended. Basically I need any helpful little tips just to get me started, any help is appreciated
by NaughtyTortoise

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  • m5eaygeoff
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Replied by m5eaygeoff on topic New bonsai

Posted 4 years 5 months ago #62809
First it should be outside. It should not be re potted until next spring. Biogold is good, but get the watering right first. The loss of leaves is probably due to transit, but it will not help being inside.
by m5eaygeoff

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  • lucR
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Replied by lucR on topic New bonsai

Posted 4 years 5 months ago #62810
it will die if kept inside- there is no such thing as an indoor tree.
Fertilise only healthy trees- contrary to what a lot of people think- fertiliser is not " food" for a plant, sunlight is.
by lucR

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  • leatherback
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Replied by leatherback on topic New bonsai

Posted 4 years 5 months ago #62814
Hm.. It is strange how stores keep doing this..

- Sell a temperate treespecies as a houseplant which will kill it
- Mislabel it zelkova instead of ulmus, causing further confusion
- Have people leave the hobby because it is hard (Which is true if you have a different plant than you think, and are told it can be inside when it should not)

Welcome to the empire, and lets get that tree back to good health!
by leatherback
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  • Ivan Mann
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Replied by Ivan Mann on topic New bonsai

Posted 4 years 5 months ago #62821

leatherback wrote: Hm.. It is strange how stores keep doing this..

- Sell a temperate treespecies as a houseplant which will kill it
- Mislabel it zelkova instead of ulmus, causing further confusion
- Have people leave the hobby because it is hard (Which is true if you have a different plant than you think, and are told it can be inside when it should not)

Welcome to the empire, and lets get that tree back to good health!

Time was when people who ran gardening stores started off by gardening and proceeded to make a living off of what they knew. Replace music, sports, almost anything and you get the same story. Now, businesses are started by business degree people who sometimes know something about the subject of their business, and sometimes not. Gardening stores run by specialists are replaced by big box stores who sell in quantity.

Zelkova? That's something like Ulmus, so we'll just label this thing zelkova. If we buy 10,000 from a grower, sell 9,000 to stores we make money with an label that says Ulmus, but if we take the time to get the label right we have to hire a specialist to get the label right, which costs money, and it won't matter because there are enough people who will buy them with this label.

It is on the buyer to know something about what they are buying. The little stores may be honest but the big box stores are to concerned about making money to pay attention to what they sell. As somebody said once, caveat emptor.
by Ivan Mann
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  • Clicio
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Replied by Clicio on topic New bonsai

Posted 4 years 5 months ago #62825

Ivan Mann wrote: It is on the buyer to know something about what they are buying. The little stores may be honest but the big box stores are to concerned about making money to pay attention to what they sell.

I have decided I will buy anything, including bonsai, only from local ad small stores.
Some are a little bit more expensive as they don't have the bargain power of the big numbers/big chains, but in exchange they have knowledge about their products, and a genuine smile on their lips when one purchases from them.
I don't buy from big marts anymore.
by Clicio
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ivan Mann

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