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Ficus bonsai leave drop

  • MrsMakda
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Ficus bonsai leave drop was created by MrsMakda

Posted 7 years 5 months ago #34977
I'm hoping that someone could help me. I bought a bonsai tree from ikea almost 3 months ago. I didn't know what they were just noticed that it was a house plant that was unusual. When I bought it, it had loads of green leaves. Pretty much straight away 3-4 leaves would drop out each day until it looks like it does now. For the last month it hasn't dropped leaves, but when it grows new leaves they turn black and die or fall out when they are small. None of the full sized leaves are falling. I repotted the tree using bonsai soil I bought from the garden centre. I bought a bonsai fertiliser too.
I think I didn't water the tree enough at first, in fear that I would overwater. I don't mist the leaves, and the pot does have drainage holes. So that's the background story, now to the problems.
1. How come the leaves dropped, and why are they turning black?
2. Why does the trunk look wet, when I bought the plant it wasn't?
3. What is that white fluff at the base of my tree? It generally covers the wet areas of bark and sometimes I've found it growing on the soil.
4. Would a better pot and a humidity tray help this tree?
5. Does it need more sun? (Picture of current location included)

I've quickly realised that keeping a bonsai is a full on hobby and realise my tree is crappy looking haha. I want to practise on this tree and hopefully purchase a better looking tree and turn this into a hobby.
by MrsMakda

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  • sparklemotion
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Replied by sparklemotion on topic Ficus bonsai leave drop

Posted 7 years 5 months ago #34978
Is the soil pictured the "bonsai" soil that you purchased, or the original? It does not look like good soil for a bonsai.

From the photos and your story, I think that they tree is suffering from being overwatered in poorly draining soil.

The leaves might have originally dropped because of the move from IKEA fluorescents to where you have it now. I have read that Ficuses are likely to drop leaves when being shifted to a new environment.

Now though, it seems you have some kind of fungal infection (white fluff), and the wet bark seems to me like the tree is severely waterlogged, if not suffering from root rot.

What did the roots look like when you repotted?

If the roots were soft and icky smelling, I'd bare root the tree, cut out the rotted roots and plant the tree in new, coarse soil in a new pot (or sterilize the current pot before reusing it). This would be somewhat drastic (two repottings in a few months), but rotting roots under the soil will probably kill the tree anyways.

If the roots seems ok -- whitish, stringyish, then the tree probably just needs some babying.

Either way, I'd probably also obtain some form of commercial fungicide and use it according to the instructions. I'd also try to put the tree outside to get more sun (and probably more importantly) fresh airflow.
by sparklemotion

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  • leatherback
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Replied by leatherback on topic Ficus bonsai leave drop

Posted 7 years 5 months ago #34984
The tree is in a way to dark location. Ficus needs lots of light. Make sure you do NOT transfer it into full sun straght away, as it will be sunburnt after spending time in the dark.
The soil is way to wet. The white lines are calcium deposits.

I see no indication of fungus infection. Do not start 'treating' unless you know it has something.

Keep it drier, give it more sun. And as you indicated, if you want to get into bonsai, get a different plant. These commercial things have not much to do with growing bonsai.
by leatherback

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  • MrsMakda
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Replied by MrsMakda on topic Ficus bonsai leave drop

Posted 7 years 5 months ago #34985
I bought Westland 名媛直播 soil. The soil itself is already really dark, almost black. In this picture I had just watered it. I stuck my finger in the soil and it wasn't dry, probably a bit moist. I only used about 200ml water and most of it ran through the soil and down the drain. I let it drip out before putting the inner pot back inside the white one.

The roots weren't rotten. They were normal looking roots that took over the entire space of the pot, so I pulled some off - probably half of them.

So am I keeping the tree too wet? I noticed that new leaves only started sprouting once I started watering it the way I am - no leaves grew before this. Will that white fluff go away when I let the tree dry up?

Am I watering too much because the pot is so big? Wouldn't the soil dry quicker with a smaller pot?

I'm guessing the ends of the leaves and stems are going black because there's not enough light then?

Thanks in advance
by MrsMakda

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