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Ginseng with long branch that is HEALTHY and the rest seems sick!? Help!!!

  • AndreaT
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Ginseng with long branch that is HEALTHY and the rest seems sick!? Help!!! was created by AndreaT

Posted 5 years 8 months ago #49437
I have signed on with 名媛直播 Empire in hopes someone can help us save our Ginseng 名媛直播.
I have had many 名媛直播s over the years, and the longest survival was 3 years.
Ultimately, every one I ever had ended up dropping all of its leaves, and the trunk dried out. I have since learned that our previous 名媛直播 was lost due to some kind of worm that targets 名媛直播, and feasts on the interior of the trunk until death. The individual I purchased our new ginseng from gave me this information, and suggested a specialized 名媛直播 fertilizer to apply once a month to discourage the worm. (Side note- where would this worm come from? Our 名媛直播 live inside) she also suggested this particular tree as a good beginners tree. I did not buy the fertilizer yet... but I should (?)

We have had the new tree for 3 months. The photo of it inside is where it is usually kept. The others, taken outdoors, was an attempt made earlier today to give ginseng some rays hoping that some sun might cure what ails it.

I know 名媛直播 like sun, but cannot be in direct sun. One of my previous trees was placed in the sun at one point, and it’s leaves got burnt around the edges.
Because of this, our bonsais have a central location in our home where sunlight never touches them.
I feel it is safe to say that the tree likely does not get what it needs in regards to sunlight, and I am hoping for some suggestions on how to give it enough sun without worrying about the leaves burning.

As you can see from the photos, ginseng is growing one long crazy branch out of its side. None of my previous trees have done this before, and I am curious to know why this is happening, and it if I should prune it off?

About 1 month after bringing it home, this began to shoot out, and has grown considerably since that time. The base of it by the trunk started out “flimsy” but has since become “woody” like a new branch. The woody part ends about 5” out from the trunk, and seems sturdier than all the other branches. The rest of the branch is not woody, and feels more vine-like.
It has very large leaves in comparison to the small leaves on its “normal sized” branches, and the leaves are a vibrant green. The “regular leaves” are of a deeper green hue than on this branch, and this puzzles me as it almost looks like it belongs to a different plant all together.

When the shoot first started to grow, the rest of the tree was healthy. It looked as it did when I brought it home. It has a thick busy of leaves on its top, and the trunk was an even colour all the way down.

Since the new growth began, the rest of the leaves have started to dry and drop. Now the top is very sparse and almost looks like it is going dormant, except for this one exceptional branch. Is the tree feeding all of its nutrients into the new growth? There isn’t much soil in this pot, so I considered this as a possibility, and I plan to report it with some new soil so it has more room for nutrient stores.

The bottom of the trunk has started to change colour from the rest, and I fear that the worm has come back, or that the roots are compromised. I water it throughout, then let it dry and keep it evenly moist before another thorough watering once a month.

Can someone please tell me where I am going wrong? What should I do to give ginseng the life it deserves... how can I give it sun without hurting it... and what about this crazy branch!!!?

Thank you so much, I appreciate any advice and insight. I’m so sad to lose another tree. I love 名媛直播.
by AndreaT

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Replied by lucR on topic Ginseng with long branch that is HEALTHY and the rest seems sick!? Help!!!

Posted 5 years 8 months ago #49439
by lucR

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Replied by AndreaT on topic Ginseng with long branch that is HEALTHY and the rest seems sick!? Help!!!

Posted 5 years 8 months ago #49440
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by AndreaT

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Replied by lucR on topic Ginseng with long branch that is HEALTHY and the rest seems sick!? Help!!!

Posted 5 years 8 months ago #49441
Still nothing to see...
But,already knowing what it probably looks like ( fat root with some leaves on top) i can tell you that ficus ginseng has nothing to do with bonsai.....
by lucR

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Replied by Orlando on topic Ginseng with long branch that is HEALTHY and the rest seems sick!? Help!!!

Posted 5 years 8 months ago #49442
The long branch, is a original branch from you plant. The rest is a grafting. Try Google for grafting. If you should remove it , it's up to you. Ginseng is not considerd a bonsai, but a regular houseplant and treat it that way. You will be fine.

by Orlando

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Replied by AndreaT on topic Ginseng with long branch that is HEALTHY and the rest seems sick!? Help!!!

Posted 5 years 8 months ago #49443
Not sure why my photos aren’t working
But it is a “Ginseng 名媛直播.” Whether that “has nothing to do with 名媛直播” or not, I did find information about it on this site as a ficus variety good for beginners. My previous 名媛直播 were different varieties, and more advanced. So I asked the 名媛直播 farm where I purchased my “名媛直播” from for something easy that I might have better luck with. If this is somehow not a 名媛直播, then there is now a whole new layer of complexity added to my growing- and not sure why it would be on the 名媛直播 site?
It is not a “fat root with some leaves on top.” It has a trunk that looks identical to the ginseng 名媛直播 photos on this site, meandering around each other with some exposed roots just above the soil. It has branches that stretch out from the top, and around the sides.
I am just curious to know why this new branch has grown out so far- the tree itself is about 30” tall, and the branch measures 40” - coming out at a straight angle from the side of the trunk.
by AndreaT

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Replied by lucR on topic Ginseng with long branch that is HEALTHY and the rest seems sick!? Help!!!

Posted 5 years 8 months ago #49445
Let's start with the picture first: remember it can't be above 2mb, and when you write a comment you can check the preview tab to see if your picture is visible.
by lucR

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  • leatherback
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Replied by leatherback on topic Ginseng with long branch that is HEALTHY and the rest seems sick!? Help!!!

Posted 5 years 8 months ago #49446
Hi Andrea,

Lets start at the bottom and work up..

Why do people say your plant has not much to do with bonsai:

You mention the seller told you about a worm attacking bonsai because of fertiliser? Either i or you misunderstood or the seller has no clue. Or he is trying to get you to buy expensive stuff. I use lityerally whatever i can get my hands on as fertilizer.

Now, your plant most likely consists of two species of ficus tree. One that creates big fat roots, which have been exposed to get your trunk. The others, a smaller variety grow more conpact to give the green ball on top. What you have now is the rootpart growing a shoot. That drains the leaves on top if the leaves on top are still clearly alive, trimming the long one off may get them back towards health.

Main concerne i have is how wet you keep the plant. The soil should not be soggy and be allowed to get a little dry between watering. Does the pot it is in have drainage holes? It should.

Ficus is a plant from the tropics that loves light. The scorge is like a sunburn in spring. Inside it is dark. Putting the plant from there in full sun will cause burn. But after a few weeks of early morning sun, it should be able to take mid morning sun etc. Get the tree accustemed to the sun and leave it outside in summer getting a good few hours of sun each day. Not sure where you are located i have to say: the hotter and drier your whereabouts is, the more carefull to be.
by leatherback

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Replied by AndreaT on topic Ginseng with long branch that is HEALTHY and the rest seems sick!? Help!!!

Posted 5 years 8 months ago #49449
Thank you so much for your helpful and informative response.
I repotted my “名媛直播” earlier this evening, and trimmed the shoot so that perhaps the plant will have more nutrients for the other leaves.
I acquired my first 名媛直播 15 years ago, and have had about 5 since that I have been unsuccessful in maintaining.
The site defining what makes a 名媛直播 a 名媛直播 makes sense. I understand that the “plant” must meet certain specifications to be considered 名媛直播, and if my plant isn’t doing well, loses its leaves, and shoots out a giant branch out of nowhere, it certainly doesn’t look like an actual tree.
However, when I purchased this 名媛直播, it truly did met the definition of looking like a actual large ancient tree. It is 10 years old, and had been maintained well by the farm nursery I purchased it from. I have just had a hard time keeping it within its definition.
I signed on for this forum hoping for some useful advice about why this branch grew, and what I could do to maintain my 名媛直播 as a 名媛直播. Your response was by far the only helpful one I received, you addressed all of my questions, but TBH - I found all these answers with a google search easy enough too.
The worm that attacked my tree is one common to my particular area in which I live. Perhaps a hoax, but I did not but the fertilizer suggested. I prefer to grow all my many plants with organic based materials and “let them do their thing.”
名媛直播 is the only day plant I’ve ever struggled with- and I would like it to be more than a plant, but to look like an actual 名媛直播.
I appreciate your problem solving without the need of a photograph.
by AndreaT

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  • lucR
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Replied by lucR on topic Ginseng with long branch that is HEALTHY and the rest seems sick!? Help!!!

Posted 5 years 8 months ago #49451
I think you got some things mixed up. "名媛直播" is not a species of plant/ tree but a way of training and maintaining your tree to look like a real tree in nature.
Again, without a picture it is really hard to say anything about your plant....
by lucR

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